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Forest Mind Instructor and Guide cources

In the Forest Mind Instructor or Guide courses, you will become acquainted with the theoretical background of scientifically backed effects of nature's well-being, what constitutes the so-called "mind skills", and the basics of guiding the Forest Mind method. In the course, you will gain more skills for maintaining your own resources and concrete skills for utilizing Forest Mind exercises as part of your own work, such as coaching, teaching, program services, or nature-based tourism.

In order to be admitted to the instructor or guide course,  you will need to have at least one of the following backgrounds (Application by e-mail in free form):

(a) Nature education, experience or long - term volunteering

b) Educational background in teaching, coaching, mind skills and well-being.

Participants are required to read the Forest Mind- material in advance, so in the course we can focus on backgrounding the exercises and practicing guidance. It is recommended to take a forest mind basic course in advance if you have no previous experience in guiding groups. Forest Mind Basic cource can be taken on- line: 

Forest Mind Instructor Cource 

Timing:  10-11.05.2025, Hanko, Finland

Group size: 8 - 14 persons

Price: 420 €/person (incl vat)

More Information:

Reserve your spot:

Ask for more: Erja Järvelä,
Upon registration you will receive a short welcome mail, and closer to the event more detailed info about the day and the preparation for that. You will also receive an invoice via mail, due before the training day. Cancellation less than 7 days prior to training leads to 50% payable invoice.

Are you interested in adding the well-being effects of the nature to be part of your working methods in your occupation? Would you be able to benefit of this great well being method developed here in Finland ?
There is a lot of information about the well-being effects of the nature, backed up by the science around the globe and also here in Finland. Did you know that only 10 minutes in the nature lowers your pulse and reduces your stress level? Forest Mind combines the well-being effects of the nature with the mind skills, and it is easy to adopt and use.

The Forest Mind Guide -course is targeted to people working in the fields of coaching, health, education, outdoor activities etc. and to all who want to utilize the method in their work. The entry requirement for training is strong experience in a field of nature or nature services, or applicable hobby background or education. There are exercises before the class as well as after.
If Forest Mind or guiding in general is totally unfamiliar to you, you may want to get acquainted with the method with this virtual Forest Mind Basics class, see here:

During the day we concentrate on the theory of Forest Mind, backround of the exercises, practising guiding and discovering own strengths and plan way forward. You get a certificate of the training and this entitles you to guide first two levels of the Forest Mind exercises (3 levels altogether). There is currently over 150 exercises within this method.

After the Guide course you can continue with the Instructor course if you wish so.

Forest Mind Basics in a full web format at your own pace!

Forest Mind Basics is designed to enhance and maintain wellbeing with the aid of nature. You receive tools and exercises for your everyday wellbeing. The course provides strengthening of self knowledge as well as your personal resources and tools for recovery and relaxation.

This is fully a self-study type of training and you will receive a certificate after finishing it, if you so wish.
The training consists of about 40 minutes powerpoint presentation about the framework and principles of the Forest Mind method, and 9 video exercises, which you can listen in the nature or even at your desk virtually. Did you know that the virtual nature has same kind of effects in your body as the real one? You also have 15 exercises in a written format, which you may download for your own use. There is also a self-training template, which you may use for your own benefit.

See more:

©Forest Mind